Booth number: 2-D23
About us
WAGNER Group GmbH, based in Germany, has been developing and implementing integrated fire protection solutions since 1976 and has established itself as an innovative solution and system provider with around 700 employees at 22 locations in 14 countries worldwide.
In the field of fire detection and fire prevention, WAGNER is one of the technology leaders with more than 700 patents. The core competence is in the area of technical fire protection.
Here, WAGNER develops individual solutions with its own products and systems in the fields of fire detection (TITANUS®), fire prevention (OxyReduct®), fire extinguishing (FirExting®) and organization/hazard management (VisuLAN®).
The subsidiary for the Indian market and neighboring countries, WAGNER Fire Safety India Private Limited, started its operational business in June, 2023.
Its business area lies in particular in the segments of logistics with a focus on deep-freeze storage and in the areas of pharma, data centers and textile production.
Schleswigstr. 1–5
30853 Langenhagen
Phone: +49 511 973830
704, Lodha Supremus Bldg. No 2, Kolshet Rd.
400607 Chitalsar, Manpada, Thane, Maharashtra
E-mail: sandeep.hajra@wagnergroup.com
Phone: +917 304 456801
Internet: www.wagnergroup.com
Unit No. : 05-PF-CWC123 Detached Retail
05 Plot No: JLT-PH@-RET-05
Jumeirah Lakes Towers Dubai
United Arab Emirates
E-mail: info@wagnergroup.com
Phone: +917 304 45680
Internet: www.wagnergroup.com
Contact person:
Sandeep Hajra
Managing Director WAGNER India Ltd.
E-mail: sandeep.hajra@wagnergroup.com
Phone: +917 3 04456801
Products & Services
WAGNER develops and implements innovative, holistic fire protection solutions, including fire detection (TITANUS®), fire prevention (OxyReduct®), fire extinguishing (FirExting®), and organization/hazard management (VisuLAN®).
WAGNER Fire Safety India Private Limited provides tailored fire protection solutions especially for logistics, deep-freeze storage, pharma, data centers, textile production, and others.